Friday, May 15, 2015

Main Characters in the first chapters:


Original name in elven tongue: Vahal'Lirianeth
Language spoken: Elven, Common, Orc (a little)
Status: Elf Ranger Captain

She became recently the youngest captain of the Green Hoods (an elven scout militia) patrolling in the vicinity of the elven city Caer'Daekyn. Her strong-willed and leading attitude, combined with her exceptional combat skills made her rise quickly among the scouts. She is a childhood friend of Talvan, the half-Elf adopted by the last Dragonwatch Patriarch of Caer'Daekyn. At the beginning of the story, she's also Kalanyr's lover. However, Valiriane comes from a lineage subject to controversy - the House Dy'Vantir - and this "detail" will trigger a chain of events that will change her life forever.

Original name in elven tongue: Talvaniel
Language spoken: Elven, Dwarven, Common, Orc, Demonic and Draconic
Status: Half-Elf DragonWatch Scholar

He has not inherited many elven attributes from his mother beside his pointy ears: Having a face looking mostly human, he's considered "ugly" by many elves in Caer'Daekyn (but Valiriane is not one of them). To make things worse, he also inherited a weak constitution. He had a very difficult childhood as her mother was considered a "whore" after she gave birth to him. She died when he was seven. From there, he was adopted by his uncle, the current Dragonwatch patriarch of Caer'Daekyn. From that time to the current days, he had very little contact with elves of the town, beside his uncle and other Dragonwatch scholars. When he entered the order, it has been both a relief and a grief for Talvan: Relief as bullying towards him stopped the day he joined the order. Grief as he was not allowed anymore to have any contact with Valiriane, his only childhood true friend.

Original name in elven tongue: Shayn'Adrill
Language spoken: Elven, Common, Dwarven (a little), Drow (a little)
Status: Elf Mercenary Warrior

Shayna is an elven warrior who has wandered in many parts of DodeKahedron's world as a sellsword. Her body is unusually muscular for an elven woman, and while most elven women think it's disgraceful, Shayna is quite proud of her anatomy. Beside adventuring and discovering new places she loves sex a lot. While Shayna enjoys sex with men, she have a preference for women, and elven women in particular. For the time being, she takes a break from adventures, staying at Caer'Daekyn. She recently met Valiriane, and her interest for the red-haired elf grew more and more since then, even if the feeling doesn't seem to be mutual... at least for now.


Original name in elven tongue: Kalan'Nyrr
Language spoken: Elven, Common (barely). not interested that much in Linguistics.
Status: Elf City Guard Captain

From the ruling family of Caer'Daekyn - House Dy'Slanarion - who have given birth to many skilled warriors and charismatic leaders across the centuries, Kalanyr has followed the path of his ancestor: Athletic, handsome, charming and captain of the City Guards, he's a target for most elven maidens of Caer'Daekyn. However, it's not exactly a secret that he was after Valiriane. He succeeded recently in seducing her. But he's far from perfect: he's also arrogant, impulsive, care for nobody but himself and has a very little amount of morality... As Valiriane will discover soon enough.

Original name in elven tongue: Nial'Cynneth
Language spoken: Elven, Dwarven, Common, Orc, Demonic and Draconic
Status: Elf DragonWatch Scholar

Nialcyne is Talvan's closest friend in the DragonWatch Order of Caer'Daekyn. She respects him for his intellect and his way of thinking and finally comes to love him very much through the years they spent together among the books. She's well aware of Talvan's feelings for Valiriane. But she doesn't mind, as long as he accepts her to be at his side. Nialcyne isn't a jealous person, especially because she perfectly understand Talvan's sorrow as she endured similar experience in the past: Born in Syn'Redill, she flirted with a tainted elf she was supposed to watch without creating contact. Back then, it wasn't really love, but more feverish sexual attraction. Once her relationship was discovered, she was sent to the DragonWatch in Caer'Daekyn to punish this unsettling breach of protocol. While the noble family she was part of was quite ashamed by what she did, Nialcyne wasn't shunned by her parents, which is quite rare among elves.

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