Sunday, May 14, 2017

DragonWatch Archives is back!

 Hi everyone!

I'm back after a (very) long break. And so does Valiriane and Nerodias!
It has been nearly 16 months since the last update. I apologize for having been silent for so long. I should have posted something from time to time, at least that I was alive. I really thank you for those who kept following me despite the situation.

What happened exactly:

- First, my main graphics card broke down a few days after the new year 2016 (obviously, the year wasn't starting very well). I had to wait for 4 months to get a good one (as I had to change my graphics, it was a good opportunity to get one of the best for 3D rendering at that moment): a nVidia GTX 980 with 4Go Ram seemed the best choice at that time (my former one was a GTX 880).

- With this brand new Graphics card grew an already existing dilemna: I though of switching the rendering engine I was using. I started with 3Delight (all the previous renders on this tumblr were made with it) to Iray, the rendering engine by nVidia. Beside the fact that Iray can give a photorealistic result, it also gives the opportunity to scale the rendering speed depending of the graphics card power, and freeing the processor of the motherboard for other things (something impossible with 3Delight). I finally opted for Iray, but there was a catch. The reason I hesitated for so long was to learn from scratch again a lot of stuff, as the rendering parameter were greatly different between 3Delight to Iray. So back to square one, at least for a moment. That took a few additional months.

- As I was going to restart from scratch, I thought if I had to make big changes, it was maybe for the best to make them all at the same times: All my characters were created with the Genesis 2 base models from the DAZ company. As the Genesis 3 base was release for some time now, that there was optimizations for Iray rendering and the models were significantly more lifelike and realistic, I started to remake most of my main characters (today Nerodias is one of the three "survivors" from the Genesis 2 generation among my characters). That took a few additional months as well.

- These last four months I've advanced quite a lot on many characters, but I didn't post anything. Why? because I hadn't anything final to show. However I decided to show "work in progress" stuff in the future, to prevent gaps too big between posts on the tumblr. Only final renders will be posted on Hentai Foundry though. I will also post a bit more about the story on tumblr (because, yes, despite I've just mentioned until now, there is a real story!

So all in all, I'm back with a new graphics card, new rendering engine and new characters. I hope you like the preview of Valiriane and Nerodias new version ;)
Expect more to come in the near future!


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