Sunday, November 15, 2015

A few words about Species and Races on DodeKahedron!

Time to give some love to this Blog: here is a long overdue update!
Living beings in DodeKahedron world are divided in species, groups which are themselves subdivided in subspecies (or races). Most predominant species are the following: Humanoids, Beastfolks, Demons, Abominations, Undeads and Draconians.

  • In the Humanoid group, there are Humans (note: While humans with different color skins exist on DodeKahedron, they are all considered as one global race. To differentiate them, the term "ethnicity" is used), Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Orcs, Goblins, Ogres and Trolls.
  • In the Beastfolk group, there are Beastmen, Minotaurs, Anubisians, Catfolks and Monkeyfolks. Minotaurs and Anubisians have migrated to the Surface centuries ago. Other races are remaining in Limbo.
  • The Demon group is a bit particular: it appeared at some point, on the fiery plane of Inferno. Due to the mysteries surrounding its origin, the number of races composing this group is currently unknown. The known races will be detailed in another blog post.
  • Abominations are an unclear group as well: like the Demons, there come from the subterranean planes of DodeKahedron. Very few living beings of other species keep contact or try to study them as it is rumored the longer you are in their vicinity, the higher chance you get to become mad.
  • The Undeads are also a special case: in fact, this group is composed of no specific race. When a living being die and is reanimated through magic means, the creature is considered both a being of her former species as well as being part of the undead group from now on. Undeads are considered like one big family where each non-living being has his place, defined by the power he has gathered.
  • The Draconian group is the one known to be nearly extinct: Reptilians, Drakes and Dragons are known to be the three big races. Reptilian people can still be encountered in some regions of DodeKahedron, but Drakes have become quite rare. And Dragons are even more so since the great Draconic War several millennia ago, even considered as just legends now in some parts of the world.


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